Statewide Work

Louisiana Food Policy Action Council

As NOLA FPAC grew and understood the importance of state and federal policy on local communities, the idea for a statewide food policy council and network of policy leaders and coalitions was born. Thanks to funding from Louisiana Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as Novo Nordisk, Louisiana FPAC is becoming a reality. This work will include convening food system leaders and stakeholders to identify and advocate for food policy priorities in Louisiana and cultivating local and regional food policy leadership and power throughout Louisianas through trainings, capacity building and technical assistance. New Orleans Food Policy Council is the flagship council of the newly formed Louisiana FPAC and LA FPAC will continue to support and be supported by NOLA FPAC. Currently LA FPAC is seeking statewide steering committee members who are represent all sectors of the food system to build a robust network.

If you are interested in joining this effort, please reach out to

Statewide Food Policy Network Building

FPAC is primarily a New Orleans based organization, but we have been working throughout Louisiana for a number of years as our capacity has grown and we have built relationships in regions throughout the state. As we do this, we have begun to form a network of policy leaders and groups. As the only staffed food policy group within the state that we are aware of, we see great potential to expand our work and incubate policy groups throughout the state. In 2022-2023, FPAC and Louisiana Central provided technical assistance in northeast Louisiana through a partnership with the Louisiana Department of Health.

Louisiana Small Scale Agriculture Coalition

The Louisiana Small-Scale Agricultural Coalition (LSSAC) is a statewide organization that exists to strengthen capacity, resiliency, and economic opportunities for Louisiana’s small-scale agricultural producers.The coalition’s members provide comprehensive technical assistance to farmers and the Coalition acts as advisors to organizations and institutions that wish to purchase Louisiana grown, harvested, raised, and produced food directly from Louisiana Farmers, Ranchers, and Fishers. LSSAC member organizations have deep roots in Louisiana agriculture and support small scale producers with technical assistance and programs across multiple program areas. 

Current members: Acadiana Food Alliance, Big River Economic Agriculture Development Alliance, Louisiana Central, Market Umbrella, New Orleans Food Policy Action Council, Shreveport Green, SPROUT NOLA.

If you think your organization would like to join LSSAC as a member of the coalition please contact: Elisa Muñoz-

Current Work

Farm Bill

In collaboration with partners such as Sprout, FPAC has been working to bring the needs of Louisiana to the 2023 Farm Bill. This has included the formation of the Louisiana Food + Agriculture Change Network, multiple educational webinars about the Farm Bill, a statewide series of listening sessions, fly-ins to Washington, D.C. to meet directly with policymakers, and deep engagement with producers and partners.

Check out our latest report on statewide organizing and advocacy around the 2023 Farm Bill! 

Greaux the Good

Greaux the Good, Louisiana's new statewide nutrition incentive program, operated by Market Umbrella, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Greaux the Good gives Louisiana direct-to-consumer food purveyors (such as farmers, farmers markets, farm stands, and agriculture cooperatives) the opportunity to create or expand a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) nutrition incentive program.

A Greener NOLA

Agriculture is an important strategy for mitigating and adapting to the climate crisis disproportionally affecting New Orleans. It encourages community wellness, biodiversity, soil health, and air quality. For these reasons, it is so important that the city of New Orleans begins to see agriculture and gardening not as an isolated activity but as a potential axis for creating a better city.

View past campaigns here

— Small Business Popup Permitting Navigation Guide, Small Box Retail Diversity Study